The Pulse of IU Nursing

From the Dean
Robin NewhousePhD, RN, CNS, NEA-BC, FAAN
I’m also pleased to share a few highlights on the state of our school:
- Enrollment for our core campuses is strong. We have almost 1,500 undergraduate students, 317 MSN and post-MSN certificate students, and 64 DNP and PhD students.
- In May, we celebrated the educational achievement of almost 300 undergraduates, 81 MSN graduates and 12 DNP graduates.
- More than $20 million in external proposals was submitted this year, and IU School of Nursing was awarded $2.7 million in external funding.
- In terms of National Institutes of Health funding for nursing schools, we ranked No. 15 among public schools, No. 1 in Indiana, and No. 6 in the Big Ten.
Our Indianapolis campus received a very generous gift of $16 million from IU Health to increase our undergraduate student enrollment by 50% over the next three years. We have formed nine workgroups to ensure that this goal is achieved, and while the gift was designated for Indianapolis, all the core campuses are benefiting. As part of the effort, we are:
- Ensuring additional student clinical placement with our partners.
- Implementing enrollment and recruitment strategies in cooperation with campus initiatives.
- Hiring additional faculty and providing them support through FINE (Faculty Innovating for Nursing Education) to ensure their success.
- Putting strategies into place that increase student retention and successful first-time NCLEX rates.
- Developing plans to address resilience for faculty, staff, students, and clinical partners.
- Renovating our building to accommodate an increased need for labs, classrooms, student spaces, and faculty and staff office areas.
Let me begin with a huge thank you! Many of you responded to the strategic plan survey by letting us know what aspirational goal IUSON should aim towards.
In February 2023, more than 50 stakeholders from outside the school spent two full days helping us think about the future. It was a truly inspiring experience; attendees repeatedly thanked us for including them, and we were so grateful for their valuable time and expertise.
From this retreat, we were able to create a draft of a plan and share it for feedback with faculty and staff. What emerged is a comprehensive strategic plan that is in step with IU President Pamela Whitten’s plan and vision for Indiana University.
IU 2030 – IU’s strategic plan - has three pillars:
- Student Success and Opportunity
- Transformative Research and Creativity
- Service to Our State and Beyond
- Fostering Student Success and Competency
- Transforming health through nursing scholarship, research, and policy
- Impacting Health Policy
- Partnerships and Community Engagement
- Engaging Faculty and Staff
- Building a Culture of Wellness and Inclusion
For 109 years, IU School of Nursing has focused on educating nursing students, preparing the next generation of leaders, and conducting research that improves health outcomes. Today, these priorities are more important than ever, and our commitment to achieving them is unwavering. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, I thank you for your continued support.

Faith Fasoore: Building faith in the future
IU School of Nursing rising senior Faith Fasoore gets a certain feeling when she knows something is right. Faith has had that feeling during her clinical experiences at IUSON. With support from faculty, she’s meeting the challenges of nursing school and ready to take the next step.
Learn more about Faith's path at IU School of Nursing
Lainy McCoy: Finding ways to learn and give back
After just one day volunteering at the IU Student Outreach Clinic, Lainy McCoy knew it was something special. “I fell in love with it—just seeing how impactful we could be as students in helping underserved communities, it really inspired me to continue going there and helping.”
Learn more about Lainy's IU School of Nursing experiences
Veldman Family Nursing Scholarship: Helping students fulfill their dreams
The value of higher education and the personal rewards of a career in nursing motivated IUSON alumna Anita Veldman and her husband Tom, also an IU graduate, to establish a IU School of Nursing scholarship in 2015. So far, 19 nursing students have benefited.
Learn more about the Veldmans and the creation of their family scholarship