Honors Program

Rise to the challenge

Honors options at the IU School of Nursing offer you exciting challenges and opportunities for growth that include working closely with a faculty mentor and developing key research skills. Both IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis offer honors options. Whether you are interested in entering the workforce ready to engage in some of healthcare’s greatest challenges or preparing for a graduate-level program, the experience you can gain in the honors option is indispensable.

Honors research at IU Bloomington

During senior year, BSN traditional track students at IU Bloomington are able to conduct research, mentored by a faculty member during two independent study courses. Eligibility is based on student’s cumulative IU GPA (>3.5 GPA).

Honors Program at IU Indianapolis

To qualify for this program, which is only offered at IU Indianapolis in the BSN Traditional Track, you must first be admitted to the Honors College. (Current IUSON students or transfer nursing students may not join after admission.) Once you have been both admitted to the IU Indianapolis Honors College and accepted into the School of Nursing, you gain direct admission to the Nursing Honors Program.

What you can expect as a student in the Nursing Honors Program

As an honors student, you will complete 24 credit hours of undergraduate honors coursework (18 of which coincide with nursing coursework) and work with a faculty research mentor during your regular course of study.

As an honors student, you move through the honors program with a cohort over the course of three years. Your faculty colloquium leader and mentor offer your cohort opportunities to:

  • Partner with faculty mentors on a research project and observe research team functions
  • Collect and/or access data relevant to the identified research project
  • Prepare and participate in data analysis
  • Prepare/present a research poster and/or presentation at local, regional, or national venues and conferences
  • Prepare and submit results for possible publication

Have questions? Contact an advisor on your campus