The technology you will need as a student
In-class computer work and remote learning are an important part of your academic life. Your software, hardware, and network capabilities should meet or exceed our recommended minimum standards:
In-class computer work and remote learning are an important part of your academic life. Your software, hardware, and network capabilities should meet or exceed our recommended minimum standards:
You need a computer purchased new within the past five years that meets the specifications outlined in Indiana University’s ComputerGuide. There, you’ll also find links to vendors who offer special pricing to IU faculty, staff, and students.
You should also have access to a robust, stable internet service. Although you may access university services via the internet from public libraries, your workplace, or other internet-connected locations, many may not have the software, hardware, and network capabilities you need.
Clinical sites often have network firewalls that prohibit you from accessing all required course components. It’s best to work from your own computer.
Indiana University has software licensing agreements with several companies. Enrolled students and university employees can download and install most Adobe and Microsoft software titles, as well as many from other vendors, from IUware free of charge. You may also use them without installation from the cloud through IUanyWare.
You can also purchase software titles and other technology at educational pricing from your campus bookstore.
NOTE: If you are taking synchronous distance-accessible courses be sure to read the information describing the requirements for videoconferencing.