Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness

Lighting a path with high impact intervention research

The Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness (CEQL) provides funding for early career investigators at Indiana University School of Nursing with the mission of building the science of quality of life in chronic illness by developing and testing high impact intervention research.

CEQL funding supports pilot projects conducted by early career investigators through monetary support and mentoring. In addition, CEQL provides support for research training of faculty.

Originally funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research in 2000, today CEQL is made possible through a generous endowment from the late Ms. Sally Reahard and the IU Faculty Endowment Matching Program.

We're on a mission to improve everyone's quality of life in chronic care

It’s our mission to build the science of quality of life in chronic illness by developing and testing high impact intervention research.

The Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic Illness is working toward four primary goals:

  1. Develop and test interventions to reduce symptoms, promote self management, and improve quality of life among persons with chronic illness and family caregivers.
  2. Translate efficacious and effective interventions to improve quality of care.
  3. Integrate cutting-edge technologies across studies to build the science of quality of life in chronic illness research for the future.
  4. Develop the next generation of nurse scientists to lead interdisciplinary teams in conducting high impact quality of life in chronic illness research.

Meet our Executive Advisory Board

Wendy Miller

Wendy Trueblood Miller

Executive Associate Dean for Research & Professor

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

Janet Carpenter

Janet S. Carpenter

Audrey Geisel Endowed Chair in Innovation & Distinguished Professor

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

Julie Otte

Julie Otte

Assistant Dean of Evaluation & Associate Professor

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

Robin Newhouse

Robin P. Newhouse

Distinguished Professor & Dean

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

Victoria Champion

Victoria L. Champion

Edward and Sarah Stam Cullipher Endowed Chair

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

Miyeon Jung

Miyeon Jung

Assistant Professor

Indiana University School of Nursing

See full profile

No photo available.

Andrew J. Saykin

Director, Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center & Director, Center for Neuroimaging

Indiana University School of Medicine

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Todd Skaar

Associate Professor of Medicine

Indiana University School of Medicine

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Susan G. Dorsey

Professor and Chair & Co-director, UM Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research (CACPR)

University of Maryland School of Nursing

See full profile

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Terry A. Lennie

Professor & Associate Dean for Graduate Faculty Affairs & Co-director, RICH Heart Program

College of Nursing University of Kentucky

See full profile