The Policy Academy

The Policy Academy: Navigating the New Realities of Health Policy

June 2-3, 2025
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time

IU Indianapolis University Library
755 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202


The Policy Academy: Navigating the New Realities of Health Policy is designed to empower nurse leaders and the next generation of nurse leaders when responding to the new realities of health policy, promoting innovation, and igniting bold advocacy.

Morning Sessions

Our morning sessions will feature keynote speakers who have elevated their voices and created changes in health policies at local, state, and national levels. You won't want to miss the thought-provoking perspectives of these transformational leaders who will foster your growth as a dynamic leader.

Panel 1: Using an Innovative Lens to Address State and National Policy Issues

  • Dr. Kristin Ashford
    Good Samaritan Endowed Chair of Community Nursing and Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing
  • Dr. Toni Tipton
    Women's Health Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife, APRN Team Lead at Five Rivers Health Centers
  • Dr. Janet S. Carpenter
    Interim Dean, Indiana University School of Nursing

Moderated by Sandra Chapman, President, Prince Media Group, LLC.

Panel 2: Transforming Your Messaging for Maximum Advocacy Impact

  • Dr. Krista Longtin
    Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development and Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine
  • Dr. Janice Phillips
    Assistant Director, Illinois Department of Public Health
  • Ambre Marr
    Legislative Director, AARP Indiana

Moderated by Jason Tomsci, Associate State Director of Communications, AARP Indiana.

Keynote Address

  • Dr. Patricia (Polly) Pittman
    Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, and Director, Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity

Panel: Elevate Your Influence - Engage with Government Relations

  • Angela Smith Jones
    Associate Vice President of State Relations, Indiana University
  • Dr. Stayce Woodburn
    Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Advanced Practice and Academic Affairs, IU Health
  • Tricha Shivas
    Chief of Staff and Strategy, Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research

Moderated by Dr. Katherine Feley, Chief Executive Officer, Indiana State Nurses Association.

Afternoon Sessions

Our afternoon sessions include unique opportunities for you to enhance professional growth and career advancement through one selected breakout track designed to help you elevate the integration of policy and advocacy.

Integrating policy and advocacy initiatives into courses, clinicals, and experiential learning opportunities

Enhancing the bridge between policy and research

Advancing legislative councils and advocacy committees in healthcare environments

Leading health policy and bolstering advocacy in professional organizations and boards


Our unique approach to enhancing the integration of policy and advocacy also offers you the opportunity to engage in group mentoring sessions at two intervals after the Policy Academy. Each participant will create and implement their own action plan to impact health policy during the Policy Academy, and mentorship sessions throughout the next year will provide support to participants ensuring that goals are met and barriers are addressed.

Registration information

Register for the Policy Academy

In-person fees

Early bird (through April 7)Regular (April 8-May 19)
External participant$220$250
IU faculty/staff$180$210
IU Health employee$180$210
IU student$110$125

Virtual fees

Early bird (through April 7)Regular (April 8-June 1)
External participant$165$195
IU student$99$110

Questions about registration? Contact Hilary Clements, director of the Office of Professional Development and Lifelong Learning at the Indiana University School of Nursing, via email at

Meet the Policy Academy Coordinator

Dr. Sharron Crowder

Assistant Dean for Health Policy Initiatives
Clinical Associate Professor
IU School of Nursing

Meet Dr. Crowder