Mary Lynn Davis-Ajami, PhD, MBA, MS, FNP-C, RN, has been appointed associate professor and associate dean of the Indiana University School of Nursing (IUSON) Bloomington campus effective July 9, 2017. In her new leadership role, Dr. Davis-Ajami is responsible for the administration, teaching and scholarship activities of the IUSON Bloomington campus. She will play an integral part in shaping the IUSON priorities to attain our mission of excellence in education, practice, and research over the next five years.
Dr. Davis-Ajami comes to IUSON from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Nursing where she is coordinator for nursing administration and leadership in the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems. Her research focuses on costs and health outcomes for individuals and populations with complex chronic diseases. Her teaching experience focuses on nursing leadership, management, and finance spanning undergraduate and graduate programs.
Dr. Davis-Ajami has a diploma in nursing from West Suburban Hospital School of Nursing and a BSN from the University of Evansville, an MS with a Family Nurse Practitioner focus from the University of Southern Indiana, an MBA from Wake Forest University, a PhD from The Ohio State University, and a post-graduate certificate in education in the health professions from the University of Maryland.
We welcome Dr. Mary Lynn Davis-Ajami and look forward to her joining the IU School of Nursing as associate dean of the IUSON Bloomington campus.
IU School of Nursing welcomes new associate dean to Bloomington campus
Tuesday, May 23, 2017