Learn how to apply for Direct Admission

Completing the direct admission essay requirement

To submit the required essays for direct admission consideration, you must first create your IU computing account using your University ID (UID). Your UID will be sent to you approximately 10-12 days after submitting your Indiana University application. 

Once you receive your log-in credentials (approximately 3-4 days after requesting a new IU Computing account) you will be able to sign-in to access IU Scholarships through the Blackbaud Award Management (BAM) tile inside of one.iu.edu.  

Accessing the application system

  1. Go to One.IU
  2. Search for “Scholarships” and click start
  3. Sign in with your IU login CAS Credentials

You may edit the “Required Scholarship Essay” portion of the application until the December 15 deadline. Once you submit your general scholarship application you are done with this portion of the application.

Submitting your Direct Admit essay requirement

Within the BAM scholarship portal there are “Opportunities” that require you to take further action. These opportunities include (but are not limited to) uploading additional documentation, getting recommendations, and submitting essays. Each opportunity has an apply button in the “Actions” column of the listing. 

To find the IU School of Nursing Direct Admit essay submission form:

  1. Inside of BAM, click “Opportunities” to the right of “My Applications”
  2. Search for “Direct Admit” and press enter
  3. Select “Apply” on the IUB/IUFW/IUI-Direct Admit Nursing opportunity
  4. Complete the essays and submit
  5. You are done with the IU School of Nursing Direct Admit application 
* The Direct Admit Nursing “opportunity” may appear in either of the above formats