Eligible to Direct Dissertations
Contact Information
PhD, Indiana University
MS (Nursing), Ball State University
BSN, Indiana State University
ASN, Indiana State University
Research Areas
Nursing Education Sciences
Specialties and Expertise
Educational Pedagogies
Evaluation and Testing
Instrument and Model Development
Innovative Teaching Strategies
Health Systems
Decision-making / Outcomes Management
Evidence-based Practice (EBP)
Healthy Systems Interventions
Mentoring in Health Systems
Nursing Leadership
Awards and Honors
Inducted, Faculty Academy of Excellence in Teaching (FACET), Indiana University, 2019
Trustee’s Teaching Award, Indiana University, 2017, 2015
Christine A. Tanner Scholarly Writing Award, Journal of Nursing Education, 2016
Excellence in Education, Alpha Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International, 2014
Karen Cobb Creative Teaching in Nursing, Indiana University School of Nursing, 2014
Dr. Amy Hagedorn Wonder, Associate Professor, joined the IU School of Nursing Bloomington in 2010. She teaches undergraduate courses at Bloomington and graduate courses at IU Indianapolis. Dr. Wonder’s research centers on instrument development to objectively evaluate EBP knowledge across academe and practice. Her collaborative research on the Evidence-based practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing [EKAN] instrument has continued to expand, globally. This work, focused on translating and testing the EKAN instrument in multiple languages and countries, is advancing how EBP knowledge is evaluated and taught. She has presented her work nationally and internationally, contributing to her national recognition as an EBP expert.
Her coursework spans evidence-based practice (EBP), data analysis for practice and research, applied health care ethics, collaborative practice, leadership, and undergraduate honors research. She mentors students across all levels of education, nurses in a variety of roles, and faculty in reaching their individualized goals, whether completing an advanced degree (Master’s, DNP, PhD), conducting a research project, or pursuing promotion and tenure. Dr. Wonder’s teaching and research is driven by her passion for EBP and promoting best practice and outcomes.
External Funding
2022-2023. "The Roudebush VA Medical Center Formal Post-Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Residency." (Subject Matter Expert). Department of Veterans Affairs, $57,096.
2017. "Translating the EKAN into French for Study of Nursing Students in Haiti: Initial Validation Study of EKAN- (French form). (Co-I). Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, $1,000.
2016-2018. "Promoting A Global Perspective of Evidence- based Practice Knowledge of Nursing Students: A Validation Study of Newly Translated Versions of the Evidence-based Practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing (EKAN) for Japan, Korea, Brazil, and Columbia." (Co-I). Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, $9,995.
2016–2017. "What do Nursing Students Know About Evidence-based Practice?: A National Study of EBP Knowledge Across Academic Levels." (PI). National League for Nursing (NLN). Research Grant: Nancy Langston Research Award, $15,300.
"A Multi-site Study of Evidence-based Practice Knowledge in Associate Degree Nursing Students." (PI). Alpha Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society, $2,100.
Goldman, L., McAlister, S., Keith, A., Bone, N., McSwain, J., Klineline, D., & Wonder, A.H. (2021). Collecting site-level data on organisms causing surgical site infections to guide quality improvement. Association of periOperative Registered Nursing Journal QI Showcase, 113(4), 389-396.
Nick, J. M., Durkin, A. C., Caroci-Becker, A., Cruz, D. A. L. M. D., Zorzim, V. I., & Wonder, A. H. (2021). Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Evidence-based Practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing (EKAN). Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 55(e03768), 1–9. Publication in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Akers, J. L., Dupnick, A., Hillman, E., Bauer, A., Kinker, L., & Wonder, A. H. (2019). Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia risks and post-operative complications: A retrospective study. Association of periOperative Registered Nursing Journal, 109(6), 741-747.
Cosme, S., Milner, K. A., & Wonder, A. H. (2018). Benchmarking of undergraduate nursing students’ objective EBP knowledge. Nurse Educator, 43(1), 50-53.
Nick, J. M., Roberts, L., Adrien, F. M., & Wonder, A. H. (2020). Establishing a global EBP tool to measure evidence-based practice knowledge: Translating and testing the French version of EKAN. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 28(2), 370-381.
Opsahl, A., Nelson, T., Madeira, J., & Wonder, A. H. (2020). Evidence-based, ethical decision-making: Using simulation to teach the application of evidence and ethics in practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 17(6), 412-417.
Wonder, A. H., & Spurlock, D. (2019). A national study across levels of nursing education: Can nurses and nursing students accurately estimate their knowledge of evidence-based practice? Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(2), 77-82.
Nick, J. M., Wonder, A. H., Suero, A. R., & Spurlock, D. (2018). A global approach to promoting evidence-based practice knowledge: Validating the translated version of the Evidence-based practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing into Spanish. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(6), 440-446.
Serfass, R. L., & Wonder, A. H. (2018). You're teaching EBP to BSN students...but are they learning? Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(3), 172-174.
Wonder, A. H. (2017). Mock Hospital Ethics Committee: An innovative simulation to teach prelicensure nursing students the complexities of ethics in practice. Nurse Educator, 42(2), 77-80.
Wonder, A. H., Martin, E., & Jackson, K. (2017). Supporting and empowering direct-care nurses to promote EBP: An example of evidence-based policy development, education, and practice change. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing,14(4),
Wonder, A. H., McNelis, A. M., Spurlock, D., Ironside, P. M., Lancaster, S., Davis, C. R., Gainey, M., & Verwers, N. (2017). A comparison of nurses’ self-reported and objectively measured EBP knowledge. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(2), 65-70. [Only article selected for continuing education credit in that issue.]
Wonder, A. H., & York, J. (2017). Using an academic and practice partnership to teach and promote EBP. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 249-251.
Wonder, A. H., York, J., Jackson, K., & Sluys, T. (2017). Loss of Magnet® designation and changes in RN work engagement: A report on how 1 hospital's culture changed over time. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(10), 491-196.