In this edition of The Nursing News, we share recent honors and awards received by members of our faculty and staff, and update you on their publications, presentations, and grants.
Faculty news

2021 Faculty & Staff Recognition Ceremony
April 27, 2021
At the end of April, IUSON hosted its 30th annual Faculty & Staff Recognition Ceremony. Like last year, this year’s ceremony was held via Zoom. The theme for the ceremony was “Sunnier Days Ahead” as we looked forward to teaching and living in a post-COVID environment, while dreaming of upcoming summer vacation destinations!
The Nursing News salutes the following outstanding members of our faculty and staff for being recognized at the ceremony.

Lecturer Sonita Ball was among those selected for the 2021 Trustees Teaching Award. The Board of Trustees of Indiana University established the Trustees Teaching Award in the 2000-2001 academic year with the intent of recognizing outstanding teachers.
Student Services Admissions Coordinator ‘Chelle Filippelli was selected as the winner of the Core Values Staff Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize a staff member who best displays the core values of the IU School of Nursing: Respect, Responsibility, Trust, and Dialogue.
Assistant Professor Angela Opsahl was awarded the Karen Cobb Scholarship of Teaching Award. This award is given annually to a full-time IUSON faculty member to recognize innovative and creative teaching. Recipients are recognized for the development of a creative and innovative teaching strategy that incorporates the Seven Principles of Good Education, produces documented learning outcomes, is recognized by students as contributing to their learning, and contributes to the scholarship of teaching.
Director of Operations April Sauer’s efforts in helping to build the partnerships needed to complete our Health Sciences Building were recognized by the Dean’s Staff Award for Partnership. This award was created to recognize staff members for their exemplary efforts “to develop and nurture internal and external partnerships.”
Associate Professor Amy Hagedorn Wonder’s efforts in helping IUSON faculty discover innovative ways to teach our students were recognized by a grant from the Nursing Faculty Development Fund. The purpose of the award is to provide support for faculty development related to the scholarship of teaching and mentoring students and nurses in the process of completing a systematic review of evidence to inform practice.
Clinical Assistant Professor Erin Wyatt was awarded a grant from the Rose M. Mays Excellence in Teaching Diversity Fund. This grant is provided to a School of Nursing faculty member whose desire is to reduce health and health care disparities. As part of her newly funded research, Erin will be reviewing the most commonly used assessment and fundamental textbooks to identify inaccurate racial stereotypes and incorrect medical information. She looks to assemble a panel of students who identify as racial minorities to help her with this project.

The following members of our faculty and staff were also singled out at the Recognition Ceremony for their years of service to IUSON. We thank them for their exceptional service to our school.
Five years of service:
Pei-Shiun Chang
Eileen Hacker
Debra Smith
Ten years of service:
Marsha Hughes-Gay
Fifteen years of service:
Kim Decker
Debbie Hrisomalos
Twenty years of service:
Pat Watts
Thirty years of service:
Deanna Reising
Congratulations to all!
Faculty research
Carter, G., Meyerson, B., Rivers, P. et al. (2021). Living at the Confluence of Stigmas: PrEP Awareness and Feasibility Among People Who Inject Drugs in Two Predominantly Rural States. AIDS and Behavior.
Carter, G, Woodward, B., Ohmit, A., Gleissner, A., & Short, M. (2021) Primary care providers as a critical access point to HIV information and services for African American and Latinx communities. PLoS ONE, 16(2), e0246016.
Mishra, A., Preussler, J. M., Bhatt, V. R., Bredeson, C., Chhabra, S., D'Souza, A., Dahi, P. B., Hacker, E. D., Gowda, L., Hashmi, S. K., Howard, D. S., Jakubowski, A., Jayani, R., Koll, T., Lin, R. J., Olin, R. L., Popat, U. R., Rodriguez, C., Rosko, A., Sabloff, M., Sorror, M. L., Sung, A. D., Ustun, C., Wood, W. A., Burns, L., & Artz, A. (2021). Breaking the age barrier: Physicians' perceptions on candidacy for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in older adults. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, epub ahead of print, April 6, 2021.
Wierenga, K. L., Moore, S. E., Pressler, S., Hacker, E., & Perkins, S. (2021). Associations among COVID-19 perceptions, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among adults living in the United States. Nursing Outlook, Epub ahead of print, April 5, 2021.
Roush, K., Opsahl, A., Parker, K., & Davis, J. (2021). Business continuity planning: An effective strategy during an electronic health record downtime. Nurse Leader. (Accepted ahead of print).
Opsahl, A., Embree, J., & Howard, M. (2021). Innovative opportunities for civility : Professional development in a time of COVID-19. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52(1), 11-12.
Roush, K., & Opsahl, A.(2021). Developing an internship program to support nursing student transition to clinical setting. Journal of Professional Nursing. (Accepted ahead of print).
Nick, J. M., Durkin, A. C., Caroci-Becker, A., Cruz, D.A.L.M, Zorzim, V. I., & Wonder, A. H. (2021). Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of Evidence-based Practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing (EKAN). Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 55, e03768.
Habeeb, D. (PI), Chang, P-S. (Consultant). (April, 2021- April, 2023). Extreme Heat Preparedness in Indiana Communities Program. IN Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
Opsahl, A. (December 15, 2020). Evidence-Based Global Education Service Initiative in Philippines for new mothers. Alpha Chapter Global Service Grant.
Opsahl, A. Undergraduate Learning Technologies Associates (ULTA) Grant. (June 2021). Utilizing Kaltura Interactive Video Quizzes to Support Educational Engagement in Nursing Ethics. Indiana University Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning.
Newsom, K., Hille, J., Carter, G. (2021, April). “Medical students less likely to ask patients about sexual orientation, gender identity as training progresses”. Indiana University School of Medicine Education Day.
Brown, L., Mahnke, B., Carter, G. (2021, April). “Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Literacy Among Black and Latinx Patients Who Could Benefit from HIV Prevention Medication”. Indiana University School of Medicine Education Day.
Newsom, K., Carter, G, Hille, J. Medical students are less likely to ask about patient sexual orientation and gender identify as training progresses. American Medical Women’s Association.
Newsom, K., Carter, G. Identifying barriers in LGBTQIA+ health education: Reasons for medical student reluctancy to ask patients about sexual orientation and gender identity. Medical Student Pride Alliance Conference.
Chang, P-S, Edrington, A., Enamorado, I. (2021, March). Strengthen the intervention receipt and enactment: Development of a movement annotation for Qigong exercise (Poster). Midwest Nursing Research Society.
Chang, P-S., Lu, Y., Ofner, S., Nguyen, C.M. (2020, Nov). Qigong exercise on frailty, psychological health, and spiritual well-being of middle-aged and older blacks (Poster). The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Virtual presentation.
Johnson, G., Swider, S., Abbas, H., Jones, K., Vandenhouten, C., Decker, K. A. et al., (2021, June). Association of Community Health Nursing Educators Annual Institute Plenary: Community, Public Health Nursing, and Population Health in the 21st Century Nursing Curriculum Reform: An Assessment of our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (Invited presentation breakout session facilitator). Association of Community Health Nursing Educators, Dayton, Ohio.
Hacker, E.D., Richards, R.L., abu Zaid, M., Chung, S.Y., Perkins, S., & Farag, S. (2021, February). STEPS to Enhance Physical Activity after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Podium presentation. International Conference on Cancer Nursing, International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care. Virtual presentation.
Hacker, E.D. & Arora, M. (2021, February). Accelerating Aging: Considerations for Cellular Therapy and Transplantation. Session Co-Chair for Competitive Educational Session. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Virtual presentation.
Hacker, E.D., Collins, E., Peters, T., & Park, C. (2021, February). Frailty Status, Frailty Transitions, and Quality of Life after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Poster presentation with brief oral presentation at Symptom Science Advances in Oncology Nursing, sponsored by the Oncology Nursing Society, National Institute of Nursing Research, and National Cancer Institute. Virtual presentation.
Opsahl, A., Hughes-Gay, M., Poe, C., Gindling, S. & Hagedorn Wonder, A. (2021, June). An innovation in clinical education to support cultural competence, patient-centered care, and quality outcomes. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. Denver, CO. Virtual presentation.
McCrea, K., Leathers, B., Heitman, L., Hawkins, E., Abbott, T., & Opsahl, A. (2021, April). Undergraduate Nursing Honors Research to Support Virtual Community Professional Development. Indiana University Bicentennial sponsored conference, Beyond Boundaries: Indiana Academies Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Davis, E., Roush, K., Reiss, P., Opsahl, A., & Reimer, N. (2021, February). Programs of Support for New Nursing Graduates’ Well-being in the Transition to Practice. Sigma Theta Tau: Creating Healthy Work 2021 Environments Conference, Austin, Texas. Virtual Presentation.
Roush, K. & Opsahl, A. (2021, March). An Interprofessional Approach to Impact Electronic Health Record Downtime Preparedness with Business Continuity Planning. Midwest Nursing Research Society 45th Annual Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Virtual presentation.
Opsahl, A. & Townsend, C. (2021, February). Mentoring to Support Ethnic Minority and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Nursing Students’ Well-being and Future Clinical Practice. Sigma Theta Tau: Creating Healthy Work 2021 Environments Conference. Austin, Texas. Virtual Presentation.
Appointments and awards
Ball, S. 2021 IU Trustees Teaching Award.
Barnes, R. Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Nursing Education RIG Dissertation Award.
Barnes, R. Selected to participate in the Faculty Success Program (FSP) from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. June, 2021.
Carter, G. IU Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Dr. James E. Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Award. June, 2021.
Chang, P-S. Excellence in Research Award. STTI Alpha Chapter. April, 2021.
Chang, P-S. Regenstrief Affiliated Research Scientist. Regenstrief Institute. February, 2021.
Filippelli, C. Core Values Staff Award.
Opsahl, A. Karen Cobb Scholarship of Teaching Award.
Opsahl, A. Elected President-Elect of Alpha Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International on April 22, 2021.
Sauer, A. Dean’s Staff Award for Partnership.
Hagedorn Wonder, A. Nursing Faculty Development Fund.
Wyatt, E. Rose M. Mays Excellence in Teaching Diversity Fund.