Student happenings

Welcome to the Class of 2024
In August, IU School of Nursing Bloomington (IUSON BL) was thrilled to welcome 100 incoming sophomore students and 2nd degree accelerated students – not only to the nursing program, but also to the school’s new location on the Bloomington campus.
The day began with students arriving at the new Health Sciences Building for orientation with the Student Services Team (Debbie Hrisomalos, Leslie Hobbs-Ramsey, and ‘Chelle Filippelli), followed by Boot Camp sessions led by IUSON BL Assistant Dean Marsha Hughes-Gay and faculty presenters Sonita Ball, Abby Berg, Kristen Mattox, Pat Watts, Hanna Raber, and Britney Arce. The event gave our new students the opportunity to learn about school resources, program expectations, and course overviews.

“Most of our new sophomore students spent their freshman year entirely online, and this was the first time they experienced an actual college classroom setting.”
- Marsha Hughes-Gay
The day-long session also included a presentation by Strategic Marketing & Communications Manager John Simmons that asked our students for their help with an initiative that began with the 2020 Bootcamp: the development of IUSON’s comprehensive Diversity Strategic Plan. “We asked our newest students for their input in developing the plan, and it was important for them to know the essential role that they can play,” said Simmons.
2021’s New Student Orientation also gave our incoming students their first chance to finally sit in an IU classroom. “Most of our new sophomore students spent their freshman year entirely online, and this was the first time they experienced an actual college classroom setting,” said Assistant Dean Marsha Hughes-Gay. However, it wasn’t just students who needed to adjust to their new surroundings: our faculty and staff did, too! “It took a couple of minutes of running around to remember, ‘this is how an in-person event feels’,” said Special Projects Coordinator Delanie Marks.

New this year was the addition of a job fair geared specifically to nursing students, where students were able to discuss part-time job opportunities and potential career paths with recruiters. “Many of our students have experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to bring some of our clinical partners to campus,” Hughes-Gay explained. “It’s never too early for students to start thinking about their career plans and getting a chance to talk to recruiters is great practice,” agreed Marks.
The day ended with a long-standing IUSON BL tradition: the reciting of the IU School of Nursing Pledge. Promising to maintain high personal standards and a commitment to lifelong learning, our students left eager and energized to begin their fall semester.
Congratulations to Dr. Opsahl and honors students

Bloomington's kids love Science Fest!
If you’d strolled around the IU campus on the morning of October 9, you’d have seen dozens of Bloomington families visiting such exotic locations as the Astro Zone, the Puzzle Patch, the Physics Field, the Bod Squad, and the Bio Zone – all as part of the College of Arts & Sciences Science Fest, IU’s annual kid-friendly adventure in science.
2021’s Science Fest returned to in-person outdoor festivities after last year’s online-only event. Event organizer and College of Arts and Sciences Assistant Dean for Research Dr. Jo Anne Tracy said that 21 IU departments, programs, and schools hosted 95 activities at this year’s Fest – ranging from model volcanic eruptions by Maxwell Hall to rocket launches in Dunn Meadow.
“With the weather cooperating, this is some of the best attendance I've ever seen,” said Tracy. “It was nice to be able to look around outside and see so many tents and people milling around. And everyone wore their masks!”
IUSON BL was one of the 21 departments who participated in Science Fest. Lecturer Sonita Ball’s B235 students expertly manned our booth, which featured blood pressure screenings (including letting kids listen to their own heartbeats!), posters and presentations on healthy lifestyle habits and the dangers of vaping, a coloring station, and our ever-popular baby care station!
“Science Fest was a great opportunity for our student nurse volunteers to engage with local families in promoting topics related to community health,” said IUSON BL Special Projects Coordinator, Delanie Marks, who coordinated the event.
A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth at this year’s Science Fest. As you can see from the slideshow below, Bloomington’s kids love Science Fest!