Over the past few months, we had many opportunities to showcase our new Health Sciences Building (HSB) in the Regional Academic Health Center. This past spring, the HSB was the star of a new video about our school, and this summer played host to students and faculty from the Nursing and Obstetrics program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Around the Health Sciences Building

Virtual tour: Seeing is believing!
Our new high-tech video tour showcases the Health Sciences Building in all its glory.
That strange buzzing sound you heard around the HSB during the past year was nothing less than our new high-tech internal drone capturing some of the breathtaking tracking shots that are part of a new video about our school.
The video features guest appearances by IU President Pam Whitten, IU School of Nursing (IUSON) Dean Robin Newhouse, and IUSON Bloomington Associate Dean Wendy Trueblood Miller, plus cameos from members of our faculty and staff and student testimonials galore!

The video was produced by the team of Strategic Marketing & Communications Manager John Simmons, Producer Jim Simmons, Videographer & Editor Andy Young, Videographer Mike Jensen, and Production Assistant Michael Pappas and has been viewed over 800 times!
We think the 18-minute video does a great job of showcasing our school. But don’t take our word for it. You can watch the video here:
Description of the video:
[Music] the IE School of Nursing is awesome it's definitely different compared to other schools it is a competitive environment but it's totally worth it once you're in once you're in it's such a loving experience The Faculty are amazing I love working with them because they see me as a person and they really truly want what's the best for me it makes the school unique in my eyes is the incredible resources that we have to offer yes I love it here I love it [Music] foreign [Music] thank you for your interest in the Indiana University School of Nursing I'm Pam Whitten president of IU you're about to meet the people and places that will make your nursing education at IU and experience like no other our program is competitive so you'll be learning alongside classmates who will be among the very best the nursing profession has to offer our small class sizes mean that you'll benefit from Individual attention from faculty members who will challenge you be concerned for your welfare and help you succeed you'll also learn how to provide quality care to patients in a wide variety of settings from Indiana's rural small towns to its large Urban centers and while you haven't met your classmates just yet many of them will become your lifelong friends let's start the tour it's not often you can see the future so clearly from a single vantage point but from here in the new Health Sciences building on the Bloomington campus you can see the future of Nursing I'm Robin Newhouse dean of Indiana University School of Nursing here in Bloomington In addition to living near IU's beautiful campus your new home will be our state-of-the-art Health Sciences Building as you see from this video tour the Health Sciences building offers you the very latest in classroom Technologies Cutting Edge simulation centers and many amenities that make learning easier and yes even fun as I said it's quite easy to see the future of nursing from here and your future as an IU nursing student new student orientation was great it was awesome our little race our Amazing Race that went on it was so fun exploring the building just seeing what the school has to offer and just where we're going to be in the next three years and it just seems like we have a great team of people supporting us through the nursing program I'm Delaney marks special project coordinator as an IU nursing student your first exposure to the Health Sciences building will be here in c1001 where we host new student orientation on your very first day not only will you meet your classmates you'll also meet our student services team and members of our faculty who will play such an important role in your education over the next three years all of our classrooms have the ability to record or live stream lectures applications like solstice are available for you to share information directly from your laptop to the classroom's big screens allowing for spontaneous engagement with your classmates larger configurations have multiple drop down screens to optimize screen viewing and most classrooms have tables and desks on wheels that allow you to quickly move into small group sessions for collaboration one of the amazing things about our classrooms is that they can be easily reconfigured to accommodate classes of different sizes the school's John Uli shows you how easily it's done thanks John our goal is nothing less than to give you the latest Technologies to help you learn so get ready for a transformative experience here at your new home on bloomington's campus the first day in your new home may seem like a whirlwind of activity but in no time you'll have met your teachers counselors classmates and new friends I'm Wendy Trueblood Miller associate dean of the IU School of Nursing here in Bloomington it is my pleasure to introduce you to the next part of our tour and the learning spaces where you'll perfect the skills you need to provide quality care to your patients the nlrc is fantastic much more space great supplies great leadership running it great experiences overall the nlrc absolutely exceeded my expectations by far I was very shocked and surprised when I walked in there welcome to the nurse learning Learning Resource Center this this 22 bed space that holds 40 students and we focus on nursing students that are just entering the program so our sophomore level students my name is Hannah Rayburn I'm the manager of this space each station has a low Fidelity mannequin so low Fidelity means that we can really practice how to do the skill before they apply that skill to the clinical setting or the simulation setting in these stations we also have fully functional beds we have a patient monitor that can simulate Vital Signs storage carts that have all of the supplies and we also have a computer which allows us to access the electronic medical record of the hospital and that way students can practice charting so that they are fully prepared when they go to the next stage we have IV pumps at each station and that allows us to practice medication administration we also have fully functioning head walls and on these we have suction regulators and oxygen regulators and it really does work so they can truly practice the skill and put all of that together the whole setup just really imitates the hospital settings so students should truly feel comfortable transferring their skills from this station to their next clinical experience thin lrc also contains unique spaces with such items as focused lighting and overhead lift and a surgical scrub sink so students can practice the rigorous hand hygiene needed for most procedures for juniors and seniors our new labor and delivery area accurately simulates the birth of a child so our students can practice the skills associated with delivery and neonatal resuscitation which is an advanced nursing skill we were also the first nursing school in Indiana to Pilot high-tech mannequins that enable our students to learn the latest advances in CPR press a little deeper good after completing the fundamental skills of Nursing in the nursing Learning Resource Center students will then move on to the High Fidelity Simulation Center where they can apply the skills that they have learned thank you for visiting the nlrc [Music] the technology in the Simulation Center is like nothing I've ever seen before each mannequin is so realistic in the way that it really simulates a real human being it blew me away it blew my family away hi my name is Matt Needler I'm the Sim coordinator here at the HSB Sim Center our High Fidelity mannequins here are allowing nursing students to get clinical experience before they actually go over to the hospital with live patients so over here our mannequins can simulate heart sounds lung sounds bowel sounds they have pulses everywhere they can breathe they sweat they cry if we want to do a cardiac Sim we can do specific Rhythms on the heart if we want to do a trauma Sim we can set this up so the mannequin is bleeding really anything you can do in the clinical environment we can do here and that's really what this is all about is allowing nurses to get hands-on experience before they meet actual patients here in the control room is really where we do all the behind the scenes work of controlling the mannequin as you can see we can regulate how the lungs sound we can focus on the eyes and when the students look into the eyes we can see if they're getting a good reaction we can control the voice and this is where we also speak for the mannequin so we can really talk back as the students are talking to the mannequin we're speaking into the mic and it's coming out of the mannequin we can control the heart sounds up here we can control the lung sounds this computer is where the educator sits or the faculty member and they sit here and they can really zoom in and watch and they can annotate as The Sims going so we're recording this and they can make notes of say they did a really good CPR they did really good intubation whatever it might be we can see all that and they can make notes for when we go and watch it with the Learners and the students this is the debrief room where an equally important part of the simulation experience happens the debrief this is where faculty and students really discuss what went well during the Sim where they can improve and how they can put that into practice in the Sim Center we strive to give you every kind of clinical experience you can have in the hospital our adult mannequin can vary by gender diversity and age and we have everything from infants To Toddlers and eight-year-olds this mannequin is an ultrasound trainer that shows realistic ultrasounds with 3D images we also have an apartment setting where students can experience working with patients in their own homes one of the beauties of this building is that the med students social workers and nurses all are in one location so that the first time you're interacting with all these other professions isn't in the hospital it's here and you get used to it and comfortable working with all the various departments we hope you've enjoyed your tour of the Simulation Center and we look forward to working with you over the next coming semesters the study spaces are to die for I was actually studying here earlier I'm just very open spaces and you just feel good when you walk in the building you just feel like I'm here and I'm an IU nurse the new facilities here definitely feel like a second home to me we spend so much time here and there's many resources available to us like the new kitchenettes and break areas definitely giving us time to just relax in between classes I really like the break rooms I know that there's coffee machines theirs and I really like that and I like the fridge that it's there too I'm able to bring a lunch and store that in a fridge I have my own locker to put my belongings during lab and I know it's cliche but I got that feeling where I'm like I am home I totally feel it your studies are challenging enough so we want to make sure you have everything you need to succeed at our school at the Health Sciences building every care has been taken to support you on your journey to becoming an IU nurse I'm Seth Deborah facilities manager at the HSB think of us as a One-Stop shop at the age HSB you'll have your own locker to store your belongings each of the building's three floors offer student lounge areas break rooms and study areas there are also small kitchens complete with refrigerators Keurigs microwaves and more and the hospital cafeteria is just a walkway away offering everything from pizza and home style meals to salads and snacks it's all part of our effort to make the IU School the nursing your home away from home as a nurse you'll soon discover that Healthcare doesn't just happen in a big city but also in Rural and Suburban communities throughout Indiana but many of Indiana's rural communities lack access to Quality Care our home health care visits and free rural health clinics help address this critical need while giving our students valuable experience and caring for patients outside the hospital setting in addition to providing Compassionate Care today's nurses are highly skilled research scientists and innovators if research is a career path you're interested in we have a program for you too [Music] when we went out to some of the smaller cities like Bedford it was a really eye-opening experience you kind of hear about these sorts of patients but it's really different when you actually go into their homes it's very enlightening to see what kind of problems are they encountering on a day-to-day basis that we can address it opened my eyes to kind of like the full scope of like nursing practice in addition to working with Hospitals and Clinics in the city the IU School of Nursing in Bloomington offers our students the unique opportunity to work with various clinics and Community Partners in rural areas our students act as extensions of the clinics and through our home health care visits go door to door to work with Hoosiers in their homes focusing on preventative care and helping people be the healthiest versions of themselves that they can be it's a great way for our students to learn firsthand that Healthcare doesn't only take place at the hospital bedside the IU School of Nursing in association with our Community Partners also offer free Regional Health Care Clinics offering Southern Indiana arrest residents access to blood pressure cholesterol and glucose screenings as well as an assessment of their overall risk for cardiovascular disease and any physician referrals they may need and that's just the beginning a regional health care initiative show lots of potential for the development of other initiatives to address the social determinants of Health in Rural America as an IU nursing student you'll be a part of that [Music] research has always been interesting to me and I feel like with the honors program you're going to do something that as a group we all collectively care about and present it to someone that you know maybe it'll impact people's lives to have something that other nurses could use would be mind-blowing at Indiana University School of Nursing Bloomington the undergraduate honors program provides an opportunity for students to be mentored in the completion of a research project several faculty members Mentor undergraduate honors students and the projects vary allowing us to engage students in research in nursing departments in hospitals outpatient settings schools and the community the undergraduate honors program has been highly successful in producing quality projects resulting in National and international presentations as well as Publications I remind my students that the experience they get in research evidence-based practice and quality improvements at IU School of Nursing elevates their practice and their opportunities positioning them for leadership roles involvement in evidence-based change initiatives and graduate school The Faculty here is honestly very extraordinary all of them have great experience in the field so it's really cool to just learn from them they definitely pull you in and you know make it feel like this is where you're supposed to be I was kind of lost didn't know where to go and they just put me on my feet got me where I needed to go I love the advisors here at IU hello my name is Ashley Burleson I'm the director of student services and Advising in the IU School of Nursing on the Bloomington campus thank you for tuning in to learn more about our school the faculty and staff at the IU School of Nursing consider ourselves Partners in your educational Journey we are all committed to helping you get here supporting you through graduation and preparing you for licensure as a registered nurse we are excited to welcome 120 newly admitted students each fall who are all assigned an academic advisor our advisors work closely with you the next three years for a unique experience of success coaching and connection to extracurriculars such as joining student organizations and paid positions within the school the School of Nursing faculty are passionate about Student Success in their academics and co-curricular activities such as earning additional certifications and completing an honors research program to learn even more about the School of Nursing I want to invite you to a virtual academic information session students and families will receive in-depth details about admission requirements the application process and have time for a Live question and answer session with an advisor to register visit admissions.indiana.edu click on visit IU and sign up on the virtual academic information session link [Music] yes I have a hundred percent been set up to succeed as a nurse here at IU and I do get this vibe that we're all going to challenge each other in the best way possible and lean on each other and really lift each other up and we do that by either going to dinners together or studying together and with that I think that really builds our bond even stronger living Care Bloomington is a dream we have so many different things you can do it's really exciting you know the game days are just full of life you know there's so much going on they've really built a nice town around the main campus so you're really close to a lot of cool things rock climbing great food great food I love it here life at the IU School of Nursing is so much more than just classrooms and clinicals there's homecoming with its parade and our IU famous School of Nursing tailgate party all the festivities surrounding IU day and Hoosiers outrun cancer science Fest and other special events we have very active student-run student nurses and future minority nurses associations and we offer job fairs and other networking opportunities that will help you build the lifelong friendships and personal connections you need to grow in your career our students have danced to raise money for Riley Children's Hospital as part of IU's dance Marathon raced in little 500 performed as members of The Marching 100 and cheered our Hoosiers onto victory in short taking full advantage of all the sporting cultural and special events that IU and the Bloomington Community have to offer it's the start of a lasting relationship with our school and a student experience designed to help you reach your full potential as a nurse and as a person and it's all waiting for you here at the IU School School of Nursing your future as a nurse begins right here at Indiana University I believe that being an IU student nurse is probably the greatest feeling is state-of-the-art technology on a beautiful campus what you learn here will last a lifetime IU School of Nursing requires you to achieve Excellence with a faculty that's knowledgeable approachable and extremely caring you'll never stop learning and you'll never stop growing setting you up for Success so many opportunities to make a difference in your community create lasting memories make lifelong friends your future is promising as an IU nurse the IE School of Nursing is empowering and I look forward to seeing you as a part of our community our students are ready to embrace evidence-based practice there's a sense of Pride here that you'll never feel anywhere else IU nurses Rock the world we look forward to seeing you soon [Music] English (auto-generated) All From IUBL Nurse Indiana University Bloomington Universities RelatedOur visitors from National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
IUSON explores shared study abroad opportunities beginning in 2024
On June 13-15, IUSON welcomed three faculty and two nursing students from the Facultad de Enfermía y Obstetrica, of the Nursing and Obstetrics program, UNAM.
Rosario Aguilar, Rocio Labastida, Andres Munoz, and sophomore BSN students Citlali Alonso and Karen Contreras visited Riley and Eskenazi Hospitals in Indianapolis and the student-run health clinic Shalom, met the Mexican consulate, and visited the Indy 500 Museum and race track.
While in Bloomington, they toured the Regional Academic Health Center and Health Sciences Building. Highlights of their Bloomington visit included tours of our Nursing Learning Resource and Simulation Centers, the community clinic Healthnet, the Monroe County History Museum, and the Eskenazi Museum of Art. Our visitors also met with members of our faculty, staff, and students.
Thank you to Dr. Bethany Murray for organizing the visit in Bloomington and to Dr. Barb deRose and Chandra Dyson for organizing the trip in IU Indianapolis. IUSON and UNAM are exploring shared study abroad opportunities between our schools beginning spring of 2024!
The mini-slideshow below shows you a few highlights from the visit.