Contact Information
DNP, University of Southern Indiana
PNP, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
MNSc, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
BSN, Montana State University
Diploma RN, St. Vincent's Hospital School of Nursing
Professor Watts focuses on the implementation of best healthcare practice supported by evidence for vulnerable pediatric populations, especially those with chronic medical conditions and special needs. Her special emphasis is on best healthcare practices at residential pediatric camps and in school nursing. Dr. Watts strongly believes in the difference that an RN in every school can make. She continues her pediatric nurse practitioner practice at Bradford Woods, an IU-owned outdoor center with residential pediatric retreats for children and adolescents with chronic medical conditions and special needs.
Decker, K. A., Garletts, D. M., Warwick, C. A., Ball, S. L., Watts, P. A., Titzer, J. K., & Hendricks, S. M. (2022). Sharing our journey: Implementing a multi-county substance use prevention program in area schools. NASN School Nurse, 37(2), 70-75.