Contact Information
FNAP, 2025
The Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Fellowship, 2018
DNP, Indiana University
MSN, CPNP-PC, Indiana University
BSN, Indiana University, Bloomington
Specialties and Expertise
Educational Pedagogies
Active Learning
Interprofessional (IPE) Education
Innovative Teaching Strategies
Awards and Honors
Sequoia Award, 2023
Dean's Award for Innovation, 2023
Dean's Award for Innovation, 2022
With a healthcare journey spanning over 44 years as a nurse, nurse practitioner, and nurse educator, Dr. LaMothe has witnessed firsthand the vital need for interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) to prepare healthcare, public health, and social work students for effective collaboration in their professions.
As a nurse educator, she is dedicated to the advancement of nurse leaders who cultivate collaborative practice environments. Nurses are the connectors between professions and patients promoting effective collaboration. This enables professionals to practice at their highest licensure levels. Advocating for IPCP within workplaces and communities is central to my role. As a clinical associate professor, Dr. LaMothe mentors future nursing faculty and faculty colleagues in Indiana University’s health science, public health, and social work schools, aiming to further the mission of NAP. The values of collaboration, patient-centeredness, inclusivity, and interconnectedness are competencies that are threaded throughout the nursing curriculum. My scholarship and practice have centered around these values.
Dr. LaMothe is committed to advocating for collaborative care models at Indiana University School of Nursing and the IU Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, ensuring that future healthcare leaders are well-prepared for collaborative teamwork.
External Funding
2021-2022. Learning environments grant. (PI). Center for teaching and Learning.
“Wearable Sensors for Modeling and Assessing Non-Technical Skills in Surgery. Deliver TeamSTEPPS Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Safety Training to Surgeons.” (Co-PI). AHRQ.
Betz, C., Fisher, M., J., Graff, C., Hill, L., Marks, B., LaMothe, J., Reaves R., Nelson, S., Kent, K. (12/2022) Innovating Nursing Education Through Partnership with People with IDD. Journal of Nursing Education. Submitted 12/2022.
LaMothe, J., Kent, K., Hill, C., Morton, B. (5/2023). Addressing Health Care Transition Competencies in Nurse Practitioner Education. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 19 (5),104580, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2023.104580.
NAPNAP Childhood Obesity Special Interest Group, Roettger, L., Shreve, M., Yeager, L., Karp, S., Mahoney, M., Garner, D., Marshall, B., Hedge, V., Rodriquez, J., LaMothe, J., Owusu, W., Kilanowski, J., Northrup, A. (7/2021) Position Statement on the Identification and Prevention of Overweight and Obesity in the Pediatric Population. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 35(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2021.03.001
LaMothe, J., Hendricks, S., Halstead, J., Taylor, J., Lee, E., Pike, C., Ofner, S. (8/2021) Developing interprofessional collaborative practice competencies in rural primary health care teams. Nursing Outlook 69, (3),447-457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2020.12.001
Lee, B., Hendricks, S., LaMothe, J., Draucker, C., Wright, L. (11/2020) Coaching Strategies Used to Support Interprofessional Teams in Three Primary Care Centers. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice.34(6),263-269. Doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000557
Pittman, J, Cohee, Storey, S., LaMothe, J., A., Gilbert, J., Bakoyannis, G., Ofner, S., Newhouse, R. (6,2019) A Multi-Site Health System Survey to Assess Organizational Context to Support Evidence-Based Practice. World Views on Evidence-Based Nursing.1-10 DOI: 10.1111/wvn.12375
Storey, S., Pittman, J., Cohee, A., LaMothe, J., Wanes, L., Newhouse, R (11/2018) Building Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Capacity in a Large Heath System: A Multi-Modal Approach. The Journal of Nursing Administration, (49)4,208-214. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000739
Hendricks, S., LaMothe, V.J., Halstead, J., Taylor, J., Ofner, S., Chase., Dunscomb, J., Chael, A., Priest, C. (5/2018) Fostering Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in acute care through an academic-practice partnership. Journal of Interprofessional Care,32:5,613-620. DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1470498
Hendricks, S., LaMothe, J., Kara, A., Miller, J. (2017). Barriers and Facilitators for Interprofessional Rounding: A Qualitative Study of Four Acute Inpatient Unit’s Experiences. Clinical Nurse Specialist, Feature Article, 219-,228. DOI: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000310