In this edition, we'll discuss our plans for the move into IU's new - and very impressive - Regional Academic Health Center (RAHC) and update you on the many accomplishments of our students and faculty.
This issue also profiles one of our outstanding IUSON alumni and introduces you to a beloved faculty member. Clinical Assistant Professor Erin Wyatt reminds us why it is important for nurses to remain politically engaged, and we'll provide updates on the 2019 versions of what have become IUSON Bloomington's signature events - our May Recognition Ceremony, August Boot Camp, and October Homecoming Tailgate.
These are exciting times on the Bloomington Campus, as we've reached the midpoint of IU's Bicentennial Year. We are grateful for everyone's interest and contributions to our school. Your ongoing support helps our school to flourish. Future editions of The Nursing News will tell you more about our Bicentennial events. You can also stay current on events at our school by following us on one of our social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Thanks to all of you for being part of our IUSON Bloomington extended family!

Mary Lynn Davis-Ajami, PhD, MBA, MS, FNP-C, RN
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
Indiana University Bloomington School of Nursing